Clinics We Offer

a stethoscope

Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Clinics

Our nurses offer several Health Surveillance Clinics including:

  • Diabetes
  • Asthma
  • Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Coronary Heart Disease
family planning

Sexual Heath and Contraception

Nurses and doctors provide a full range of Sexual Health Services Including screening for infection and advice on all contraceptive methods including IUD/IUC  (Coil) and implant fitting.

Pre-IUC fitting tips - patient info

Post IUC fit - patient info

You may have received a text message from our team to complete the pill check questionnaire which you can find by following this link:

Pill Check Questionnaire

Women over 47 are offered a mammogram at three yearly intervals as part of the national programme.

We are also a registered 4YP practice for under 25’s.


Cervical Smears

Women aged 24 to 50 are invited every 3 years and aged 50 –64 years are invited every 5 years to have a free smear test as part of the national cervical screening programme.

These tests are done by the practice nurse.


Antenatal Care

We welcome women to make an appointment in the surgery before pregnancy for a pre-conception health check especially before a first pregnancy. Most routine antenatal care is now done by Community Midwives. If you are at risk of problems then the hospital will be more involved with your care.

Post-natal and 8 Week Baby Check: Done by the doctors.

a baby lying on a bed

Child Health and Immunisations

A comprehensive Child Development Service is run by the doctors and health visitor.

You will be notified to attend when your child’s immunisations and health checks are due.

a picture of medical instruments

We provide a minor surgery service for selected conditions.

Appointments for a minor operation should only be made after an initial consultation with one of the doctors.

a person being injected in the arm with a needle

Adult Immunisations (not holiday)

Flu vaccinations are recommended for all patients over 65 and anyone who falls into the current at risk group.



District Nurses

If you are unable to attend the surgery for nursing care, the district nurses may visit you at home.

A health visitor for older people is also part of this team.


Drugs and Alcohol

Patients who have drugs problems are encouraged to see Drs Hanratty & Harbord who have an interest in this problem.




If you have a problem with your foot care, or an illness (e.g. diabetes) that can affect your feet, please complete a podiatry request form, which can be obtained from the receptionist.

a person holding his back


A doctor may refer you to see a physiotherapist. They offer advice and treat problems regarding muscles or joints.


Practice Pharmacist

Our pharmacist provides advice and medication reviews

Reducing Medication